A review by readingthroughtheages
Most Valuable Players: A Rip & Red Book by Phil Bildner


This book concludes the popular Rip and Red series and I will be sorry to see it go. It's been a fun year in Mr. Acevedo's room and watching Rip and Red grow as characters.
In this last book Rip has some grown up decisions to make. His classmates have decided to opt out of the upcoming state academic tests. However, that decision comes with consequences and Rip has a lot on the line. Rip has been hiding a surprise from his classmates. They know that Hoops Machine (think Harlem Globetrotters) will be performing at an upcoming school event, what they don't know is Rip has been practicing with them and will be a surprise guest at the event. Will Rip be able to jeopardize his big performance to stand for something else he also believes in?