A review by cafeyre
Anna by Sammy H.K. Smith



Anna is a possession. She was taken away from her place of hiding and possessed by a man called Will. He believes he loves her, and that he needs to protect her from the outside world. However, he does not see that by the same time he breaks her. After few tries to get away, she becomes obedient to stop the abuse. She loses her hope to win her life back and gives him everything he needs.

However, when she gets pregnant, she finds strength again, and when there comes an opportunity to run away, she takes it. This leads her to her new life in a safe community where she can go back to her name Kate. She opens a library and is awaiting her child to be born. However, she doesn’t expect Will to appear in the town and bring the fear back to her life.

Book Review:

Anna is a book in which you never know what will happen next. I think I could see through the story, but the characters and the plot were still surprising at each step. This is a major advantage of this book. I don’t think there was any moment in the book I didn’t like. Everything was written in a way to make the whole story sense and perfect connection between the scenes.

I think this book can be a part of the books that were painful to read. Already from the first scene when Kate is abducted, I knew this is not going to be an easy book. Saying that I was disgusted by Will would not be enough. The way he was thinking a treating her was triggering me each time. I could not believe that he was believing that he is protecting her and that she could fall in love with him. Watching her fighting for so long to get away from him was already hard, but it got even harder when she gave up. She knew that there is no way out and that’s her life now, she needs to accept it. It would stay like this if she wouldn’t get pregnant. This pushes her to fight even harder to protect her baby and leave before he finds out about the pregnancy.

Another thing for me that was hard to accept is that even when she got away from him, I knew that he would find his way back to her. With his obsession with her and imagined love I knew he won’t give up on the stop. Only his death would stop him from finding her. She knew it as well, and I think that’s one reason why she couldn’t give herself fully to the new community. As hard as she would try, the past would still find her.

This book was a painful journey of a woman fighting for her life. I wouldn’t recommend it to faint-hearted people. It’s not an easy read but it’s worth reading! I would like to thank NetGalley, Sammy H. K. Smith, and the Rebellion for providing me with a copy of this book. I enjoyed reading this book very much and I’m happy to recommend it to other people.