A review by venusdapoopiehead
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
this is by far the most boring book that i have ever read, so boring and awful i didn’t even bother to finish it because it’s simply just so BAD. it’s just so lackluster to the point where i almost fell asleep while reading, like go girl give us nothing. it’s so bad that i don’t even want to continue reading it to try to find some “dEePeR mEaNiNg” behind it or the overall “message” of the book because whatever “meaning” this book might’ve had is completely overshadowed by the massive amount of racism that’s just sprinkled throughout the book, so i don’t even care to try to find what the meaning of this could possibly be because there’s just so much racism and bad writing in this that it’s too difficult for me to pay attention to what joseph conrad might be trying to say in this novella, like how in the world am i supposed to enjoy this book and figure out the meaning of it when almost every page has the n word in it. life’s way too short to read bad books so i’m not gonna finish it and i surely don’t plan on doing so like ever. 

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