A review by isabellarobinson7
The Nancys by R.W.R. McDonald


**I read this book for a 2020/21 library challenge, so it is not necessarily be my taste and I may be harsh because it's not my personal preference. Or it could be a total surprise and I ended up really enjoying it.

Rating: 4 stars

Usually I give extra slack to authors from NZ and Australia (and there aren't many down here), but The Nancys deserves all four of those stars, regardless as to where the author comes from. As the novel progressed, I began to worry that the "whodunnit" element would end up being underwhelming, but Mcdonald did not disappoint! The book wrapped up with just enough answered to be satisfying, but not so much that it was too perfect. I never expected to like this book this much, and it gives me confidence as I make a point to diversify my genres in 2021 after reading (no joke) 80% SFF in 2020.