A review by shubbard116
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb


4.5 stars— I wasn’t sure what I’d think, reading a “fun” book by a therapist, about therapy, as a therapist myself.. would it feel like work? Would it feel like I was doing research for my clients? No, instead it was uplifting and encouraging and reminded me why I do what I do. I love how Gottlieb had the book and characters progress in the same pattern that therapy progresses: the contemplation phase, the active phase (where the poop his the fan per se) and then maintenance. She did a beautiful job showing the humanity of her clients, perfectly portraying the gift it is as a therapist to be able to see the preciousness of even the most unlovable people. She also captured the humanity of therapists, and how we are not robots that have our lives together, but are in fact also humans that are broken and in need of therapy. I just loved it. I have no clue what a nontherapist would think reading this book, but I have a feeling they’d love it to.