A review by lt_tara
Hotshot Doc by R.S. Grey


3.5 stars

Honestly I'm a little sad. I genuinely thought I was gonna adore Hotshot Doc, I really wanted to but it just didn't deliver.
The beginning was pretty good, I was enjoying the back and forth between Bailey and Matt, I was also a big fan of their chemistry and the tention but once they became a real item I just lost interest and I didn't care enough about them.

Bailey was an okay protagonist, she was kinda funny but I didn't really like her that much. I thought that her behaviour towards the end was a little stupid. She wanted to be with Matt for a long time but then she was avoiding him and acting childish.

Matt was cute but I didn't feel as connected to him as I did to the other male characters from Rachel's other books. But I do have to say that my favorite part about his character and basicaly the whole book was the hospital stuff. All those surgeries were so interesting and I was really into the story whenever they were doing one.

Bailey's sister Josie was a nice side character but that girl couldn't take a hint. I know she's supposed to be 14 but girl... At that age you shouldn't be so clueless.

That whole Costa Rica plot line was just unnecessary in my opinion, yeah it turned out good but I really didn't like it.

Overall this was my least favorite R.S. Grey novel but it was still good. I'm just gonna jump right onto the next one and I hope I'll love it.