A review by bookbugbex
The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center


The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center 
Contemporary Romance 
June 2024 by St. Martin’s Press 
336 pages 
February 23-26, 2024 
💬 “That’s just life. Tragedy is a given. There are endless human stories, but they all end the same way. So it can’t be where you’re going that matters. It has to be how you get there.” 
📖 Synopsis: Emma, an unknown screenwriter, spends most of her days taking care of her father who had an rock climbing accident 10 years ago. One day Emma’s ex-boyfriend/current manager calls her with a chance of a lifetime! She is invited to help rewrite a screenplay by her all-time favorite writer, except she will have to move from Houston to LA for 6 weeks. She has not spent a day away from her dad since the accident, so she does not make this decision lightly. Meeting her writing hero will change her life, but will it be for better, or worse? 
*may contain spoilers* 
🖋️ Review: 
Life may not turn out how you planned or even hoped it would, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have your own happily ever after! As with many Katherine Center books, I felt a wide range of emotions. I was intrigued, giddy, annoyed with characters’ decisions, and had both happy and sad tears. 
The writing style is a straightforward, first person (Emma) perspective; but straightforward does not mean boring. There is also plenty of unspoken commentary italicized throughout the book that is so great! 
Emma is a great lead role/narrator. She is logical, loyal, brave, and selfless. Emma has given up so much of her life and dreams to care for her family. I admire her strength in that. She also can be a little cringe-worthy, but that makes her all the more likable and realistic. Her antagonist/writing hero/crush, Charlie Yates, feels like the typical misunderstood celebrity. He has a hidden heart of gold behind his seemingly giant ego, except his ego seems to shrink page by page. I really love that Jack Stapleton, from Katherine Center’s The Bodyguard makes a few key appearances. If you have not read The Bodyguard, you aren’t missing any important information in this book, but its a sweet nod to her previous work. My only negative comment on the characters in this story seems so silly… I didn’t feel like the characters matched their given names. I can’t even really explain it, but Emma does not feel Iike an Emma, Charlie does not feel Iike a Charlie. Notwithstanding, I love the characters of Emma and Charlie. They give off very much Cameron Diaz and Jack Black vibes to me… I am probably the only person with this random opinion about their names, but there it is, I’ve digressed. Emma’s dad might be my favorite character in this story. He is wise, loving, and giving. He is just a great man and adds so much depth to the story. 
The storyline of The Rom-Commers feels so quintessentially rom-com and I love it! Two people, in the same profession, one award-winning and the other just has not found their big break, end up working together and feelings grow… what is more romantic-comedy than that?! The difference in this book is that there are some very heavy elements interspersed throughout their backgrounds and current days. I love that the resolution does not come until a little later in the story than I am typically used to. I found myself unable to put the book down starting around 65% of the way through. 
The Rom-Commers is a good solid Rom-Com novel. It has all the right elements, Katherine Center is an auto-buy for me. You know you are going to get a solid story with depth in the characters. Center’s books are never just fluff and/or spice. I genuinely and continually learn life lessons through her stories. 
🌟 - 4.25 
🌶 - 🍬, no spice, just kissing 
✅ - If you are a Rom-Com girlie, then no reason not to read this book! 
Recommended by: 
⬅️ - ARC provided by NetGalley 
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