A review by plotsandreviews
We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal


Official title: We Hunt the Flame
My title: How to Fail Miserably at One Job
Author: Hafsah Faizal
Fav character: Dandan
Type: Book - Duology?
I began really liking Zafirah. I believed she was someone I could care for, that we shared a bond, an understanding, that she would not betray me, but it was all a lie. She deceived me. The author deceived me. Now, here I sit, writing... vexed, annoyed... *dramatic sigh*
Liked: The way the characters interact; the steamy-ish scenes; and the faithful descriptions of clothing being moved about.
There is a hunter who brings food to a dying and freezing people, in country of a land that has lost its magic and that has developed aberrations as a result. Each country of this region of earth lost what made it prosperous when magic left. In turn, the lands have been plagued by a psycho sea and a dangerous encroaching forest that creates madness and basically kills/makes disappear all but one who visit it.

Enter the Huntress who is given a mission by a sexy sultry silver witch who seems bent on destruction, a sultan who has been taken over by evil, his son the greatest assassin of the land, and the son’s companion, a spunky and somewhat annoying general, the friend who was written to die early and many characters who have been alive for a LONG time.

As the Huntress journeys to Sharr, the desert where magic was last seen, we will watch as she becomes more and more incompetent by the minute, as her uselessness skyrockets and as her weaknesses flows out of her body like the perspiration that almost killed her