A review by opinionhaver69
Changeling by Matt Wesolowski


3.5 - the strongest in the series so far, although not entirely free of the problems that plague the earlier instalments. i'm affording these books some leeway on the basis that they're easy n cheesy horror mystery novels very much written to a formula but nonetheless i find it very very difficult to look past the mistakes! not just the wonky punctuation which is only annoying to me because i have a bad personality but the relentless continuity errors - i think every one of the books so far has had little issues like characters' ages not matching across timelines etc (HOW is someone nineteen in 1988 and fifty-seven in 2018???) but this one probably has the worst example to date in that quite a big deal is made of a character's surname being his real actual name when two books ago it was made very explicit that it's a pseudonym. i wouldn't mind some of this if it felt intentional in an unreliable narrator-y kind of way - in fact that would slap given the whole faux-true crime podcast gimmick - but i don't think that's the case here and quite frankly i don't think wesolowski is a subtle enough writer to pull it off even if it was. anyway that's what stops me from rounding this one up to a 4 even though it was by far the most enjoyable one yet but honestly it drives me nuts that none of this was caught in a proofread or god forbid an editorial pass ??????