A review by smart_girls_love_trashy_books
Go the Distance by Jen Calonita



I think it's no secret by now that I love Disney and their output and will never stop. I love them so much that I decided to finally make a shelf just for all the Disney stuff I read specifically. As a result, I've been aware of and curious about this series ever since it was first announced, but was turned off by the fact so many of them are extremely heavy on the alternate universe aspect, way too much so for my personal tastes. Still, I'm curious about some, and this was one of them, especially as I'm a huge fan of the movie Hercules.

I enjoyed this! The plot was fast-paced, something I enjoy, especially paired with a digestible writing style, with the right amount of tense and heartwarming moments. I loved Meg as a heroine here, she's still her usual snarky self, and I wanted to see her succeed. I liked the lessons she learned about not just love but vulnerability, and the additions made to her backstory, such as her time with her ex, as well as her parents, explaining her fear of commitment.

I also liked how Meg had to put her past aside and ultimately learn to be the bigger woman. While it was revealed to be a misunderstanding, since I've grown older I've gotten very tired of stories where girls or women act like catty idiots that are clearly just insecure in their femininity, so it was really nice to see Meg get over that and learn to care for the 'other woman'.

Going back to the writing style, I enjoyed how it had the same style and quick wit as the movie, making it so easy for me to see it playing out in my mind. Even the way the people and other characters are described, such as the other gods, fit in so well with the look of the original. There were nods and references to the Greek myths as well, but what I ended up loving the most was the reveal that Meg's last name is Egan, a reference to her voice actress, Susan Egan. That's how you do a Disney Easter Egg!

Honestly my only qualms are nitpicks, I wish the book said what Hercules became god of, and Meg's position felt kinda odd to me. I would've made her rule over mischief, or something similar.

Overall, this was a fun and action-paced romp that not only stayed true to the spirit of the original but greatly expanded on it. While I'm still not going to read the vast majority of this series due to the extreme AU nature, I am still happy I picked this one up and hope if I do end up checking out any others, they'll end up being just as good as this one.