A review by abrswf
Devil's Brood by Sharon Kay Penman


Each time I read another of Penman's tomes, I think, good as all the others preceding it were, this one is the best. And I'm sure I'll be thinking that again when I move on to the next in this particular series, Lionheart. In any event, this book is great as a follow on to Time and Chance, and also stands on its own. Its focus is the (many) rebellions and wars against each other of Henry II's and Eleanor of Aquitaine's sons, Eleanor's related imprisonment by Henry II, and the course of events that led to Richard the Lionhearted's succession to the throne. Around the edges we learn about developments in Wales, Scotland and France at the time, too. It's a fascinating period in history, and as always Penman manages to be almost entirely accurate (for the small deviations, read her afterword) and yet to make her book read like a gripping novel.