A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Final Six by Alexandra Monir


This year I really wanna read more sci-fi. Some in the YA genre, some in the adult genre, but at least more stories set in space. Friday I couldn't focus on the books I was reading so I went to my "library" to pick out a new one and my eye all of a sudden landed on this book. I remember that mom read it years ago and liked it. I also noticed that the font seemed easy to read, which was a big plus last week, so I gave the book a shot.

This was a great mix of a dystopia and space travel. The first few chapters of this book really made clear what was happening on earth, what it was doing to the people still living on earth and how badly humanity needs to escape earth if they want to have a future. I liked how realistic this situation felt. It's nothing but a worse version of what we're seeing all around us today. Disaster after disaster after disaster.

I also liked everything we learned about the training the candidates got. I have to admit that the constantly moving up the timeframe seemed a little unrealistic. I understand the pressure, but if these final six are the final hope of an entire planet, patience is a virtue. If this mission can't go wrong, then you can't give them a course instead of a true and worthy education. And realizing that took a little bit of the fun away.

However, that was for sure made up by the characters and especially Naomi. I absolutely loved Naomi. Everything about her personality spoke to me. The love for her family, the way her mind worked, how smart she was and how she used her skills to reach her goals. I also liked how she changes and learns throughout the story. How she's capable of understanding that what seemed right at the beginning, might not be right in the end.

I can't wait to dive into the sequel!