A review by odin45mp
Hyperion by Dan Simmons


This was an epic novel. My issues with it are how abruptly it ends. But the journey, much like in The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, is where we savor the meat of the story.

We open in media res with 7 pilgrims on their way to the time temples on Hyperion. Why have they been chosen? What awaits them there? These are questions that are answered for the most part through their Canterbury Tales-like stories. We get to know each of the pilgrims in turn, including their history and their reasons for coming on this likely fatal pilgrimage.

I enjoyed each of the stories for the rich worldbuilding and further details they provided, but I think my favorite was Weintraub's story for its unique focal point as well as the crossing of my knowledge of theology and my love of science fiction, as we deal with the Jewish community and one man's relationship to the community and God in a post-Earth world. Simmons gives each character a vocal tic or two that makes their voice unique and easily distinguishable throughout the story.

I think the epilogue ends too abruptly, but for me I can live with that because the journey was so compelling.