A review by andreasbooktea
The Orc Boss by Lark Green


DNF @43% this book started out good there was nothing really wrong with this book until I hit this part in the book where the conversation they were having made me feel extremely uncomfortable. The MMC Ansel is talking about the struggles of his people which is suspiciously close to how black people are treated in America. And while pointing out Skye’s privilege instead of recognizing her privilege and feeling empathetic towards him and his species she cops an attitude and gets defensive saying “…but what do I know? I’m just a faerie living in my own privileged world…if you’re so desperate for a job, you can turn off the light this time.” And I feel like we are meant to feel bad her because she’s been kidnapped and I absolutely don’t. It sucks being kidnapped (obviously) but why did the author choose to have her dismiss or ignore the real struggles of his people. Especially since her next door neighbor is very racist towards orcs and was expressing that towards Skye multiple times. It was just uncomfortably similar to conversations I’ve had with my YT counterparts and I don’t want to see that in books.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.