A review by pj_friel
An Echo in the Sorrow by Hailey Turner


IIRC, the author talked about this book's core theme being "Actions have consequences, Patrick." She was not kidding. I won't say anything more about that because you really just need to read the book, but only if you've read the previous ones. This is a series that needs to be read in order for full understanding and impact. And wow...what an impact, like rock me to my core, gasp out loud kind of impact.

An Echo in the Sorrow was non-stop action from the getgo. The hits just kept on coming for Patrick and Jono and there were many times when I wondered how they were going to get out of the situation they found themselves in. Often, they had help, but sometimes the help just made things worse (which made me cackle happily). The previous book felt just a little repetitive to me (How many times can Patrick go off half-cocked? Will Wade EVER stop eating?). I did NOT feel that way with this book. Everything was balanced perfectly–action, drama, humor, and a little bit of Patrick & Jono sexy times. *chef's kiss*

I hate that we're coming to the end of this series. It's been a fantastic journey thus far but so often the last book of a series can ruin everything that's come before. I'm not worried about that in this case. I am a ride-or-die reader for Hailey Turner. She's earned my trust, so I can't wait to see what she does in the finale. I know it's gonna be amazing. (No pressure. lol.)