A review by amybibliophile
Duty of Care: One NHS Doctor's Story of the COVID-19 Crisis by Dominic Pimenta


Duty of Care is the first hand account of Dr Dominic Pimenta, a doctor that finds himself on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis. Recalling his daily experience from the days before COVID-19 was thought of as nothing to concern ourselves about, to being in ICU dealing with the pandemic head-on, Dr Pimenta shows us the very real picture of what life was like for those dealing with the most fast-spreading virus the world has ever seen.

More than being a voice for doctors and nurses within the NHS, Dr Pimenta shows us what family life was like throughout, about the concerns in the early days to him and his wife taking action in pushing the government to enforce a lockdown and starting up the charity HEROES.
I was in awe of how Dominic and his family had this real 'can-do' attitude towards anything, despite having two young children to care for and being a full-time doctor on the front-line, how in the world he found the time to start charities, make TV and radio appearances, do extensive research and experiments on anything that could possibly help his colleagues all over the country with the PPE shortages, with always the constant fear looming of catching the virus and making sure his family are always as safe as possible.

We are still not anywhere near the end of this pandemic, as Doctor Pimenta ensures us more and more towards the end of the book, I find his epilogue the stark reality of what is potentially to come if we all as individuals do not take COVID-19 seriously and do everything we can to keep one another safe, for those people that think we are over the worst I implore you to pick up this book and let it tell you the story of a loving father, husband and friend that had to take a daily risk to ensure his patients had the best chance of survival possible.

Thank you to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.