A review by viva_la_ophelia
Renegades Series 3 Books Collection Set by Marissa Meyer (Renegades, Archenemies & Supernova) by Marissa Meyer


This is a solid three star series.

Four star first book
FIVE star second book
Two point five star third book

Oh, ‘Supernova’. Whyyyy?

I mean, I love the Lunar Chronicles. The only not-five-star books in that one is ‘Cinder’ and ‘Fairest’, which are both four stars. And ‘Winter’ is always trying to be favourite, but, I mean, ‘Scarlet’ exists, soooo…

So, what went wrong with Supernova?

The best series, in my opinion, have very subtle buildup throughout. I mean, Sirius was mentioned in the first chapter of ‘Philosopher’s Stone.’ The Lotus Casino has VERY important significance later in ‘Percy Jackson’.

So, this being Marissa Meyer, the woman who freaking had Jacin as a pivotal figure throughout the entirety of TLC, I had high hopes that there would be SOMETHING that would make me go ‘Ohhhh, I didn’t realize that would be important later!’ Chekhov’s gun, people. Very important.

And, I mean, Nova’s name is a good one. Super powers came from a superNOVA, her dad knew all about that, very good, very good.

Phobia is Adrian’s creation? Sure, I mean, makes sense…. I mean, kind of OP, as my brothers would say. But the same type of sentient creature is never repeated, he has literally NO visible trauma that he basically killed his MOTHER.

At least he got the girl!

And…. Ok, I can’t be trusted with unreliable narrators, because I spent the entire time being, ’Yay! Team Anarchy!!’ And yelling at Nova for NOT STICKING TO HER MORALS. Sure, Adrian’s cute, but stop letting ur teenage hormones control you!

I just really, really, REALLY wanted the Renegades to fail and for a new government to be put in. They were so corrupt, but… not.

On that note, I found Mr. Everhart and the rest of the Council very… cartoony. I mean, their decisions, like their literal DICTATORSHIP and freaking Agent N was so diabolical, but then there’s Hugh and Simon… making breakfast in cutesy aprons. They had NO personalities. None. Nowhere. Great Skies, I hate Hugh so much, for the mere fact of his being such a disappointment. I mean, Marissa is the QUEEN of Characters, and then we get… that cardboard cut out. Bleagh.

Ruby and Oscar were adorable, and literally Cinder and Thorne, but IN LOVE, and that was something that I didn’t realize I needed