A review by herlifewithbooks
I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam


I was dead set on reading this in print - because of the charts? or because I thought I'd need to take notes? - but after years of not getting around to reading it, I decided to try it on audio. And it was a perfectly fine listen. I'm sure the charts would be fun to peruse later, but they weren't necessary for understanding. And although this book talks a big game, there really wasn't enough truly new or unique time-management information to warrant taking notes.

Also, if you don't fit Vanderkam's narrow data set - aka, you earn less than 100k a year, which is most professions other than lawyers, doctors, consultants, executives, financial workers, and entrepreneurs, or don't have any kids- then there is really a limit to what you can apply to your own life. You'll probably find a chapter or two relevant, but probably not all.

Listening to Vanderkam talk about her own life and the lives of others was entertaining enough for me, though. And it did get me thinking about my life and time from a different lens, which is always valuable, imho. And it's short!