A review by tobbled
The North Wind by Alexandria Warwick


[ 2.5 stars ]

They only fell in love because they both had insane amounts of self pity.

I wish this book was shorter. I think if it was it would’ve at least been a solid 3 stars. However, it goes on for almost 600 pages. Please oh please, cut out the epilogue at least. I do think this is a better ACOTAR though. Maybe, I don’t know, I just hate the Beauty and Beast story in general.

I think my main problem with this book - other than Wren being insufferable and Boreas being boring and inconsistent - was the plot. So much happens and is opened up to us to just not get mentioned. Like I had so many questions and by the 80% mark I realised they weren’t getting answered. And then at the end of the book the whole conflict is just cleared up? What. How. Also what happened to his other wives! Why does he get one every 30 years I’m sure they don’t die within that time span. I just.
Every other chapter Wren is trying to kill Boreas and she hates him and then the next chapter it’s like ‘omgg… he has layers’. Both of the characters victimise themselves so much it’s insane please! Please these situations are not black and white okay.

I loved Orla though she was fun and I enjoyed her. Also once in a while this book would come out with a banger of a line it was amazing. And for someone who hates smut, I actually rlly enjoyed the smut in this.

Why is Zephyrus getting a romance sequel I thought we hated him