A review by paradoxically
Hexbound by Chloe Neill


Ah, I figured out what was bugging me about these books. They just sound so juvenile that I wrinkle my nose and roll my eyes and feel like I have to slog through them. I am well aware that they are YA books, but YA books don't have to sound so... argh. It seemed like the dialogue was forced at times--like the author had to make the characters sound modern and try to sound cool.

I don't care if you're trying to write teenagers. I don't mind it once in a while, but it's all the time and they never switch it off. Also, knuckle bumps are stupid. Give me some skin? Arghhhh.

All of the characters were flat to me. And cliche. Did I mention the huge cliches? There is the small popular crowd headed by the bitchy queen of the school, affectionately called the brat pack by the Lily and Scout. There is no redemption there, there is not even a token attempt at rounding them out. Michael and Jason are interchangeable in my mind and Scout is just... annoying. Kind of like the main character, actually.

And arggghhh. I'm sorry, you trap a couple of Reapers who, dear characters, please remember, like to drain and kill people for their power and what do you do? You chat with them. No, not even chatting. It's godawful teenage banter. Yes, nice to see you taking this so well, but I really didn't need to read pages of them talking with absolutely nothing substantial coming out of it.

Overall the book was horrifically dull. It was worse than the first book by a large margin (not that I especially liked the first book or anything). I'm pretty much dropping the series at this point. 1-2 stars. I could hardly stand reading this book, so rounding down.