A review by onlyjessica
Crossed by Ally Condie


I breezed through the first book in this series, Matched, in 2011, just before Crossed came out. I decided to go to the bookstore after work and I saw Matched on a display and the cover caught my eye. I sat down to read the first few chapters, as I always do before purchasing a book in a bookstore, and I couldn't stop reading. I literally had to pull myself out of the first book just to drive home, and the second I got home, I kept reading until I finished the book.

I could hardly wait the month before Crossed came out. I actually went to the bookstore and bought Crossed the day it came out. Every time I started to read it, I put it down without even finishing the first chapter. Eventually, I forced myself to, and while I read it all the way through in about a day in a half, I found myself oddly disappointed.

SpoilerThis book just didn't seem real. I'm almost tempted to not even read the third one, but I know I will because I've invested this much into it… I should at least find out how it ends. They spend the whole time walking around. And they are in the "outer providences" and somehow the MC and her love interest end up in the same canyon. The big reveal about the MC's other possible love interest didn't even surprise me.

And nothing ever seems to happen.