A review by we_are_all_mad_here26
Little Boy Lost by Marghanita Laski


I sometimes have trouble deciding whether to rate a book based on how much I enjoyed it, versus how good I thought it was. In this case I am going with the former - Little Boy Lost was good, but I did not particularly enjoy reading it.

In the Afterword Anne Sebba refers to Hilary, the protagonist, as "a sympathetic character even though not all his qualities are admirable," and I would heartily disagree with her. Hilary is almost entirely unsympathetic, even when you throw a murdered wife and lost baby into his history. He is possibly the most arrogant, egotistical, selfish and childish character I've read in recent memory. His ugly thoughts and attitudes made me feel like the sooner I could be done with him, the better. That he was the personification of this sad and adorable little boy's hope - well, Little Boy Lost, indeed.

This is the 28th book published by Persephone and the 13th I've read.