A review by breakaway71
Assist by L.A. Witt


I had to go back and re-read my review of Rebound to remind myself that the first book of this series was actually enjoyable, because this was just...not a good book. I don't like leaving negative reviews, but I can't in good conscience give this one more than two stars, and even that's a stretch.

The hockey inaccuracies alone would have been enough to have me ripping my hair out. The author gets around this...a bit...but making up a new league with new rules and a new type of schedule, presumably to try and offset the fact that she knows very little about hockey. So many things, though, were just maddening. I can get around nitty-gritty things being wrong, because hockey can be complicated, and I don't expect authors to know every single rule. But this bordered on ridiculous. The first book, I realized, didn't have this problem because hockey was not a huge part of that book. This one...yeah, it was a problem.

Secondly, the characters. All three main characters here were basically the same person. Their mannerisms, the way they talked, their habits and insecurities... They were interchangeable carbon copies of each other. It was boring. It was unrealistic. It was lazy.

I respect authors who can produce enjoyable content in the amounts L.A. Witt does. But the rush jobs are really obvious, and that's what I saw here. There were missing words and typos throughout. There was a disturbing amount of repetition which probably could have cut 100 pages and still left the entire book but in a form much easier to read. A couple more rounds of edits would theoretically have done wonders for this. Unfortunately, what we have is...basically a mess.

The bones of this had promise. I just wish the author had taken the time to deliver on it.