I DNF’d this book after the third chapter.
I’ve hidden this whole review because of spoilers (where I can). Please only read if you are willing to have the book spoiled for you.
First chapter: Told in third person. We get the introduction of the main two characters and also told this is a queer norm world, nice. But also told this world is misogynistic…. Ok? I don’t know enough on the two topics to critique this to its full extent but these kinds of worlds make me uncomfortable.
Then we got an odd line comparing murdered women to men who die at war. The main character is thinking about the spirits of the murdered women they’re investigating. “....-these were not the casualties of war, valiant men who’d known what they were getting themselves into. No, these were victims of violence gone too soon. They’d been murdered, every one one of them and worse the killers had gotten away’
I’d argue that men who were conscripted to go to war (this book is based in the late 1800’s) also didn't know what they were getting themselves into, were also murdered and had killers who got away (those in charge). I just found the comparison unnecessary.
Second Chapter: TOLD IN FIRST PERSON. This was so shocking and horribly done. The info dump we got out of this horrid man's brain was uncalled for. I could tell straight away that this douchebag was the murderer. I don't even read many murder mysteries and I called the killer from the moment I met him. Also the cherry on top that confirmed he was the killer was the introduction of his massive birthmark on his face. He describes himself as unmarriageable because of it. And also gives off massive incel vibes. Lets make our villains UGLY so their aggression is warranted…… ew.
Third Chapter: Back to the main two characters. It's getting tense, then we get interrupted from a flashback that lasts for PAGES.
As soon as I saw it was going back to the first person narrative asr the baddie in chapter 4 I had to quit.
First person narratives are a very YA way of writing. If you’re going to give the killer a first person narrative it has to be done SO WELL. This book clearly wasn’t enjoyable for me.
I will not be picking up this author again and I will not be finishing this book.
I heard it was sapphic, but NO ONE (that I’ve seen) on queer Booktok has picked up this book, for good reasons.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.