A review by inthebooknook
The Son of Good Fortune by Lysley Tenorio


The Son of Good Fortune is the story of an undocumented Filipina and once popular b-movie action star, Maxima, and her teenage son Excel, as they navigate their struggles and relationship in small town California.

The characters in this book! If you like a character driven novel, this is for you! Maxima and Excel do not always come off as likable on paper, and yet they were two of the most real and engaging characters I’ve read all year. I couldn’t help but be drawn to their story. This has a lot to do with Tenorio’s writing and I’m interested in reading more from this author.

I would compare the “vibe” of this book to Tell the Wolves I’m Home. Completely different type of story, but I couldn’t get the connection out of my head the entire time I was reading. Flawed but lovable characters abound.

Thank you NetGalley and Ecco for the free review copy.