A review by teresajluvs2read
Claiming Grace by Susan Stoker


Claiming Grace will not leave you disappointed

I'm not sure why there are a few negative reviews but after finishing this book I'd give it a 4.9 star rating. Emotional abuse is just as life altering as physical. There may be no visible scars or bruises but what it does to the person is still devastating to the recipient.

Logan Anderson has opened Ace Security with his two brothers as a tribute to their father who suffered emotional abuse from the mother. Little did they know how much business they'd have helping those who don't have anywhere to turn. But it's when Logan reconnected with Grace his high school sweetheart and former tutor that he's confronted with the possibility that even though there aren't visible scars the damage has already been done. It will take the entire Anderson family and her best friends to rescue Grace from her parents in time. The ending may be wrapped up into a pretty little bow but it proves that payback can really be a wonderful thing.

Grace Mason wants nothing more than to be loved by her parents but after suffering through their emotional and verbal abuse for years when her best friend Felicity helps her reconnect with her former crush Logan, she will be finally at free. Logan and his brothers will give her the family and love that's she's been missing and they will stop at nothing to save her from her parents.