A review by greendragonauthor
Spin: A Fairy Tale Retelling by Genevieve Raas


I know there’s an eternal debate on whether to include prologues in book, but in this book, it’s done RIGHT. It was intriguing, twisted, and made me smile. In the narrative itself, the back and forth between Rumpelstiltskin and Laila was well-marked and easy to follow. The story itself was full of manipulative action, and I found myself pulling for Rump. The trials and tribulations from the tale forge Laila into a stronger woman, someone who is willing to do what she needs to do in order to prevail. It had a lovely twist in the end, and I understand that it’s part of a series, so the cliffhanger didn’t annoy me too much. Occasionally the melodrama got a bit heavy, but it mostly worked with the style.

The Rump side of the narrative seemed a bit distant because of the reminiscent quality of the tale. I would have liked a bit more now-action in his point of view, to better know his character. I kept comparing him to Mr. Gold from Once Upon a Time (a good thing, he’s a favorite!) so I wanted more meat to his story. Without that internal connection, I wasn’t quite sold on the romantic storyline. I do like one of the ending lines about those who are consumed by the past being easy to manipulate. That rings perfectly true in any world, in any society.