A review by stephenhunsaker
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II--Updated Through 2003 by William Blum


I would give this a 3.5. The content is hauntingly extraordinary, the layout is quite flawed. 

This book outlines in detail the vile doings of the CIA all in the name of ‘democracy’. What the CIA did for decades across the entire globe are nothing short of un-democratic war crimes. They perpetrated terror and violence, removing duly elected officials and replacing them with dictators and tyrants. America really started their colonization of the world after WWII. And why? To stop communism, they were willing to rape, pillage, and murder swathes of people in order to uphold capitalism, not democracy. 

This book is infuriating to read but it’s very important information. The way it was laid out though was not conducive to reading, instead of case studies by country it goes by decade and jumps back and forth, making it difficult to piece the whole story together for one country.