A review by crizzle
Pioneer Girl by Bich Minh Nguyen


It was really interesting that I began reading this when I did - it's a fiction story about a Vietnamese American girl traveling from the Midwest to San Francisco while learning the mysteries of Rose Wilder Lane's life (the one daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder). I began reading it in the Minneapolis airport flying to San Francisco... I am also in the middle of reading "On the Banks of Plum Creek" to the girls.
I loved all the Wilder history... real or made-up, it was still fun. It was interesting to find out much of the books were written by Laura's daughter, who was a successful writer before Laura's books made it big.
The acknowledgements list several nonfiction books about Laura that I need to add to my to-read list. Why is this lady so fascinating?
I love the way Lee (the Vietnamese American character) and her story intersected with these pioneering ladies of the past. I love the common ground they share just by sharing the American dream - that you can work hard to better your life. Both families continue to move from city to city in pursuit of better work when something didn't work out as planned, which is basically the story of Pa Ingalls' life (although I think he should have never left the big woods of Wisconsin, leaving their family just because he felt there were too many people settling nearby... but that's for another day).

I did NOT appreciate Lee's random 'love' interests. Gross. It was definitely unnecessary to the otherwise nice, interesting story.