A review by elundhansen
How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice by Jemar Tisby


“The value of fighting racism cannot be gauged simply by looking at the number of laws passed or individuals elected. It cannot be measured in funds raised or in how many members an organization has. These data points matter, but they are not all that matter. Fighting racism is not just about how it changes the world; it’s also about how it changes you.”

After reading Tisby’s The Color of Compromise this summer, I was eager to join the launch team for How to Fight Racism. This book fills a needed space in the literature on racial justice by exploring the distinctive qualities of fighting racism as a Christian. How to Fight Racism is filled with practical strategies and ideas for further action, but all of its concreteness is rooted in Christian teaching, in the idea of the image of God in every person.

Tisby presents the framework of the “ARC” of racial justice, consisting of awareness, relationship, and commitment. We may naturally gravitate toward one of the three (I certainly gravitate toward “awareness”--give me all the books/podcasts/etc.!), but without all three, our racial justice work is incomplete. I found this structure to be immensely helpful in thinking through my own anti-racism work, and it’s a model I’ll return to again and again in the years to come.

I’m so excited this book is entering the world, and I’m so grateful to Tisby for his careful work in crafting it.

(Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a digital copy in exchange for this review.)