A review by gudzilla
Code Black by Tina Moss


DNF - 24%

ARC received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I picked this up thinking it was different novel which I wanted to read. I guess I made mistake because of similar covers. But when I read review of this book from one of my goodreads friends I decided to go ahead with it.
I liked the idea of PCD but there are too many paranormal creatures. Shifters and vampires I understand but I don't have any idea what Phage is. Of course, like any sane person, I used Google to find what that is but still Google failed at this point and I was disappointed. Authors should not write such confusing unknown new species for which they don't even care to provide description.

Also what is this monologues Sara has with her own mind? I was irritated more than Sara.

I might come back to this novel but chances are I won't.