A review by irishcontessa
Dust of My Wings by Carrie Ann Ryan


I enjoyed the plot and the characters of Dust of My Wings but it lost a star for not having been copyedited - "vile" and "vial" are NOT interchangeable and that's just one of the most egregious examples. I have come to terms with the fact that books are going to have a typo or two in them - if bestsellers have them then midlist books will as well. Fine. But Dust of My Wings didn't seem to have been professionally edited at all and it kept throwing me out of the story. I wanted to be immersed in this world of angels and other immortal races as they hide from humans but I couldn't because every time I started to sink into it, I flinched at the errors in spelling, grammar, etc. Which is really too bad because the plot and characters seemed great. I love Carrie Ann - I think she's funny, sweet, and has great stories in her head that I'd love to read but no author is perfect and everyone needs editing. As a reader, it's frustrating to read a book that hasn't been through that most basic process on the journey to being published.