A review by captwinghead
DC Comics: Bombshells Vol. 4: Queens by Marguerite Bennett


I liked quite a bit of this but the conclusion fell apart a bit. It kind of turned into Transformers?

Anyway, this introduced Vixen and Hawkgirl. I really liked Mari's back story and the fact that she stole Hitler's dog! I liked that they carried on the themes from her original story where she doesn't get her power from the totem - it was in her all along, etc. I really liked Hawkgirl's story. I'm glad that they were together - although I have a question: the only gay kiss in this volume is non-consensual. Why? There were no kisses between Alysia and Nell or Mari and Shiera and it was very, very clear they're together. It seems odd. Don't know if that was DC's choice.

Anyway, Barbara Ann (Cheetah) had an interesting story. I don't know a lot about her original origin but, in this one, she murdered an orphan out of jealousy that he had a better childhood than her's. At least, that he had loving parents - you know, his life wasn't perfect since he was living through a war and all. She supports a Nazi because that was the only person that showed her love? I guess. The same reason Raven appeared to be using her magic for evil.

I actually liked the Indiana Jones bit. I would honestly read a series that was just Shiera and Mari exploring the world and being in love because I really liked them together.

The finale was a bit all over the place. The tech was a blend of magic and statues? It looked like? Not entirely sure but the Bombshells have to fight a super robot that looked like a Transformer.

So, overall, I enjoyed it but it was a bit all over the place for my tastes. Also, I'm not sure why Vixen's skin color changed in every single panel. For some reason, she was ashen? It was a strange shade that didn't quite look brown and combined with her hair color, it just looked odd. But that's a colorist's problem, not an issue with the writing.