A review by onceuponaspooky
Of the Stars by A.M. Alcedo


First . . Let’s take a moment for this GORGEOUS cover

Now onto the review :

The book did take me some time to get started and through the first chapters. I found myself having to reread areas in the beginning where I felt maybe it was becoming too descriptive that I had to go back to remember what was actually happening in the story.

But in pushing through the beginning (because if you have EVER read a fantasy world building book you know you push through) I found a story of bond and friendship. The captivating connection between Dex and Nora was beautiful. It does dive into dark places but this story gave you the feeling of discovering who you are, healing, and the capability to forgive. You can definitely tell that Alcedo has a therapist background. A great story to read if you are going through a dark time and you need to know that “You are here. You are alive. You Matter. Your feelings are important.”