A review by boekensteeg
Leo Rising by Tricia Barr, Tamar Sloan


Note: I received an ARC of this book from the authors via Booksprout in exchange for a voluntarily and honest review. This review might contain spoilers of Capricorn Conjured
Original review on my blog Boekensteeg

Leo Rising is the third book in the Zodiac Guardians series, by Tamar Sloan and Tricia Barr, which will be 12 books in total.

Since the accident at the orphanage, Cassandra has been doing everything she can to control her emotions and keep the anger in. Because of this she forces herself to do everything perfectly, and she succeeds quite well. There is only one thing, or rather a person, that always manages to get her out of control and that is Brielle. When Cassandra comes into contact with her stone she feels something she has never felt before and is in danger of losing control. But this allows the Zodiac heirs to confirm their suspicion. Cassandra is one of the heirs and the strongest they have yet discovered. But when Tristan suddenly has a vision, they must do everything they can to convince Cassandra of being a Zodiac heir. What did Tristan see in his vision? Can they convince Cassandra? What will await the heirs?

Where in Capricorn Conjured the battle against Chardis was in the background, the battle is fiercer than ever in Leo Rising. The story is full of adventure, emotions and tension. Cassandra knows very well what her powers are and what she can do with them, therefore she has always done her best to hide them. Her control over the gift prevents her from being completely herself, and she also has a very strict father at home. I was able to place myself well in Cassandra and because of this I really empathized with the story.

Tamar Sloan and Tricia Barr each know how to work out the different characters well and, despite the changing narrative characters, they manage to maintain a good balance and a nice pace. I was completely sucked into the story and before I knew it I finished the book.

Although part of the story is already known by the title, I was very surprised by the course of the story in Leo Rising. Partly due to Tristan’s vision, the story slowly builds up to the spectacular end and then ends with a cliffhanger. I am very curious what the next volumes will bring for the heirs and I cannot wait for the fourth volume Taurus Divided to be released at the beginning of May.