A review by nday
Put Up Your Duke by Megan Frampton


The second book in the Dukes Behaving Badly series, and another great read by Megan Frampton. I find it interesting that, to date out of the three books I’ve read in this series, she tends towards challenging heroines and totally dreamy heroes who have a modern frame of mind that works well within the framework of their worlds.

While, as with the first books, I struggled with the heroine, I loved the way that Isabella grew in partnership with Nicholas, that she found her backbone and strength in a large part because that’s what he asked of her. For her to show and be true to herself.

I love that this book didn’t take the easy route of falling straight into bed and building from there, but that it was a slow burn build into falling into bed and falling in love, and it was quite, quite lovely.

Both characters grew throughout the book, but it was a partnership and they both helped each other get there, and I really liked that.