A review by bellatora
The Outlander by Gil Adamson


Did not like – this is the same kind of exciting-plot-turned-boring-through-overdetailed-description book as [b:Jamrach's Menagerie|9593705|Jamrach's Menagerie|Carol Birch|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1329352941s/9593705.jpg|14295225] and [b:Oscar and Lucinda|316496|Oscar and Lucinda|Peter Carey|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1173712561s/316496.jpg|2304710]. I don’t understand how it’s possible to turn a story of a widow who killed her husband and is being relentlessly pursued by his vengeful and creepy red-headed twin brothers into such a dull trudge, but it apparently is. This kind of book routinely wins awards, though, so there are people out there who love it. It's just not for me.