A review by vingilot
The Happy Athiest by P.Z. Myers


A good interesting read of the thoughts of one atheist who defies all stereotypes by being happy and uplifting. I suspect even some of the atheist reviewers of this book have this stereotype in the back of their heads as they read it.

Atheists seemingly have a reputation, at least in the US of being depressed people who have nothing positive to add, but most atheists know this is not true of them. Nor is it true of the majority. Yes so many atheist publications seemingly fall within this trap. This book does not. PZ is a happy man, who leads a happy life as a rule, and it shows. Yet his commentary on the conflict between secular humanism and science on one side, with religious extremism and dogma on the other is no less worthwhile.

PZ has caught a lot of heat from religious extremists in his time, yet there is not a shred of bitterness towards it to be found in these pages. Just his vies on these events, and why secularism is worth defending.

A good read, don't let the one star crowd fool you.