A review by printingbetweenthepages
Empyrean by Nicole L. Bates


This story is one of survival but also one of empathy, acceptance, and strength against all odds.

Jahira, her family, and many others have resided on The Aquilo after Earth was destroyed. Now, after a tragic accident, they are fleeing The Aquilo to save their lives from imminent destruction. Sadly, not everyone is successful in their efforts to flee The Aquilo. Jahira and her crewmates find themselves fighting for survival while looking for a new, habitable planet to colonize. At the same time, a group of Aliens, the Leroni, is fighting for their own survival against the harsh conditions of The Season of Ice.

The mysterious planet of Leron is a difficult place to live; rather, you are human or alien. Dangers are rampant. Silver pools draw you to drink, only to cause erratic life-threatening behavior. Freezing white-outs seem to occur with little to no notice, bringing with them well-below freezing temperatures. While Jahira is working to help her human counterparts survive, Kranar hopes to fulfill the prophecy that will save his alien race.

There is an emotional element to the storyline that unfolds, unlike any other, I have read in this genre. Bates' writing style reveals these emotional elements in such an endearing and intriguing manner that, as a reader, you begin to feel the emotions of the characters and the events that take place. The emotional storyline was my favorite aspect of Empyrean.

I highly recommend this book to others and look forward to reading the remainder of the series.