A review by bitchinbookclubb
This Close to Okay by Leesa Cross-Smith


Check on my full review on instagram at @bitchinbookclub_

TW: Suicide
I feel like this book is going to stand the test of time for me. From page 1, my heart was in my throat. Mental health is something that I know everyone struggles with, all on different levels. I am sure anyone reading this has been or is currently affected by mental health or suicide. I lost a friend to suicide years ago, and this book was really healing for me. To get inside the mind of the main character, Emmett, and understand the inner workings of someone struggling was moving and cathartic. The dynamic of a therapist, and someone struggling just to want to live was interesting to watch and see how much they helped each other heal. It was such a beautiful testament to how quickly someone can change your life when you least expect it. Something to also note is the main character Tallie is 40 years old! Thank you Lord for giving me a mature protagonist. Reading this during Black History month was so eye-opening because it touched so much on racial identity and how that is often times connected to meantl health. I am so sick of reading about 20 year olds finding themselves and having their lives figured out. Also the fact that Emmett, is 10 years younger! Normally you would think the author would make him older. It was extremely comforting to follow Emmett’s journey and see him enjoying life and enjoying Tallie’s friendship and still turning and thinking about the bridge. Leesa is also just a beautiful writer, I was absolutely in love with her words and the way she writes. I think when you love someone with mental health, you always think “What could I have done differently?” and it meant a lot that the author included his internal monologue. I loved seeing that he could recognize that he was laughing and loved being with Tallie but still couldn’t see a future for himself no matter what she did. This book has sat with me for about a week now and I could not love it more. I find myself re-reading quotes and I am desperate to find another book like this. I think this is such an important book that needs to be on everyone’s shelf!