A review by corrie
All the Pretty Things by Rae D. Magdon, Michelle Magly


All The Pretty Things started out as a political intrigue until the halfway mark when both characters gave into their mutual lusty feelings and just went for it. The tone of the book did a complete 180 after that. Not that it was less interesting, I just needed to adjust.

The writing was good but the plot was thin (I could see the bad guy coming a mile away), the sexy times went from fade to black (between Tess and her sex-worker bff) to full on ‘who’s your daddy’ with Robin. The BDSM is light and experimental on Robin’s part who is new to all that (but she throws herself into it like a good little trooper).

f/f explicit

Themes: Republican lesbians... they do exist, the love that dare not speak its name, I have to say Tess is dedicated… she even keeps her glasses on during sex, it felt like the authors were getting bored with the political/corruption/blackmail plot halfway and decided to bring on the smut, BDSM… well they tried but nothing too outre, still a nice afternoon's read though.

3.5 stars