A review by morgandhu
Deverry: Three Tales by Katharine Kerr


One of my favourite fantasy series is Katharine Kerr’s Deverry Cycle. The series itself is complete, as of 2009, with the publication of The Silver Mage, and Kerr has gone on to other things, but I’ve always hoped that one day she might go back to Deverry and tell us more.

With the release of the collection Deverry: Three Tales from Book View Cafe, Kerr has given her readers at least a taste of more Deverry. Two of the three stories - The Bargain and The Lass from Far Away - are set in Deverry’s “past” and deal, somewhat peripherally, with people who make some kind of appearance in the published cycle. The third story, The Honor of the Thing, is set in 1423, some 200 years after the conclusion of The Silver Mage. In her brief intro to the story, which features all-new characters (though of course, all-new is a relative thing in Deverry), Kerr suggests that there is an unsold Deverry novel, to which this story is a prologue. One hopes that she will be able to publish this new Deverry novel through Book View Cafe, because I really want more of Deverry, and these three tales, entertaining as they are, are not enough.