A review by joemcduck
Reinventing Comics: The Evolution of an Art Form by Scott McCloud


The other two of McCloud's books written in this format are so good that it's difficult to criticize this one. (This is the second of the three.)

Most of it is a simple matter of the book dating itself, but that's pretty significant. It focuses on the business and industry of comics, and there's a lot of speculation on the "future" of comics. Some of what's covered in the book ended up seeming moot as comics went in other directions. A lot of it ended up being pretty accurate. And the industry cycles back around to some of it. But really it just focuses on the mechanics of the world of comics that are far less interesting and, in my opinion considerably less essential, than the material in the other two books.

It's worth reading as some good material in a great trilogy, but in my opinion Understanding Comics was the true game changer, and Making Comics is its true worthy sequel.