A review by starness
I'm with the Band: Confessions of a Groupie by Pamela Des Barres


I get the whole worshipping at the altar of the rock god but this often bordered on ridiculous obsession. I was impressed by the creative means Pamela went to make her rock wet dreams come true. She really puts herself in the midst of the scene, time after time. Ruthlessly pursuing the latest shiniest hip swivelling rock star to catch her attention. I’m equally grossed out and in awe of her...or maybe just a little bit jealous!Although this book is not about the writing, it’s atrocious at times, (but also bizarrely insightful!) I also knew what I was getting into and it had all I wanted and much much more. By the end I felt so enamoured by Miss Pamela because amongst all the revelry she showed signs of insecurity and if there’s any finer example of fake it til you make it then I’ll like to know! She lives and breathes the rock star aesthetic and I kinda dig her dedication to pursuing all her wild dreams, plenty of times she happened to be there at the right place at the right time. That’s Hollywood for you. She got to experience some of the most spectacular rock star moments right at the time when rock was burgeoning into something extraordinarily exciting. Wow stuff indeed. This memoir is one for the fans of the groupies that set the tone and the scene for whatever was happening up on stage. Although this could easily be dismissed as a sexual bragfest I honestly believe that Pamela deeply cared about these musicians many she kept in contact with, actually just about ALL of them, that’s pretty darn awesome in my eyes. While she fell in and out of lust and love with many of these rock stars she was always actively on the lookout for true and lasting love she just happened to be searching in all the wrong places always believing she would come across her real life Prince Charming...maybe just one with eyeliner and tight pants! Incredible stuff and I was in complete groupie fan heaven reading this book.

4.5 stars for the sheer enjoyment of being able to live through these exciting times through the eyes of the amazing Pamela!

This book is commemrorating 30 years being in print and is being rereleased to celebrate the occasion. Thanks to Netgalley and Omnibus Press Team for my review copy.