A review by warriorpickle
Dark World by B.V. Larson


I started this book and was thinking at the beginning that it might be time for Larson to wrap the series up. I couldn't have been more wrong. Once I got into the story a bit I realized the errors of my earlier thoughts.

Another great entry into the Undying Mercenaries series. McGill is back at it again and I continue to enjoy our main character. Some Revelations come out in this book that feel like Larson does have a plan of where this is all heading. The relationships with all if the characters introduced at this point is truly fun to watch play out. I do wish that there where 2 characters that I specifically would like to see get more "screen time" but we can't always get our way.

I once again am waiting for the next entry with a smile on my face of where this left off.