A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Midnight Queen by Sylvia Izzo Hunter


I just finished reading The Midnight Queen by Sylvia Izzo Hunter. It is the first book in the Noctis Magicae series (historical fantasy sort of book). Gray Marshall (has powerful magic) is a student at Oxford’s Merlin College (in an alternate England). He is coerced into a midnight errand with some fellow students that go awry. Gray ends up disgraced (even though he really did nothing wrong) and without the ability to use magic (though he does overhear a conversation and Gray thinks something sinister is afoot). His tutor, Professor Appius Callender (a pompous blowhard) orders him to take his Long Vacation at his home (more like keep an eye on him). Gray is put to work in the gardens and treated terribly by the Professor and his eldest daughter, Amelia. Gray meets Sophie Callender, the middle daughter. She is very welcoming and kind to Gray. They contrive to spend time together and soon Gray is helping Sophie understand magical texts (the Professor is against women learning about magic). After a visit from Viscount Carteret (an advisor to the Kind), things start to go downhill.

Sophie was always told that she has no magical ability. Then one day she gets very angry and her magic just busts out (thankfully only Amelia was home and not the Professor). Turns out that someone had spelled the house and property with an interdiction spell (put a damper on her magic). That is why Grey was unable to do big magic (only little magic like lighting candles could be done). Sophie (who turns out to have strong magical abilities—even stronger than Gray) finds out from Mrs. Wallis (the housekeeper/cook and so much more) that there is something Sophie does not know (it’s big). Professor Callender is not her biological father (there is more). Sophie’s mother was a queen (I bet you can guess what kind). Sophie, Gray, Mrs. Wallis, and Joanna (Sophie’s little sister) all flee during the night to escape from Professor Callender (he will not handle Sophie finding out about her magic very well). They set out for England. They know the Professor is up to something nefarious and they are going to put a stop to it. Sophie needs to learn to control her magic as well. Can the four of them stop the Professor from trying to kill the head of Merlin College? What else is he planning and who are his co-conspirators besides Viscount Carteret (because Professor Callender cannot be the mastermind)?

I found The Midnight Queen to be a very slow paced book (slower than snails). I did not think this book would ever end (I may have skimmed a little). I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars. I like the idea, but not the final book. It just goes too slow and it is very confusing. The writing is awkward and stilted. The book does not flow easily (makes it hard to read). My favorite character was Joanna, Sophie’s little sister (she was lively and entertaining).

I received a complimentary copy of The Midnight Queen from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The review and opinions expressed are strictly my own.
