A review by lostinagoodbook
Shielded by KayLynn Flanders


I mean look at that cover!!

Now I don’t usually choose YA books, mostly because I find them to be a little formulaic at times. However, when I saw the cover of this book … it just called to me. I had to have it, and I was not disappointed.

This one was hard to put down. The story was paced well and very interesting. A big plus is the main character herself, she was absolutely winning. As a young girl forced to play the game of thrones with absolutely zero training, not only does she do a darn good job of it but she also retains her sweet nature and courageous spirit. She could be a little bit of a Mary Sue in that she is surprisingly good at battling and intrigue once she gets into it but I get the feeling there is a genetic reason why she is predisposed to the life she finds herself in that will be explained more fully in future books so it’s not hard to stomach.

The romance she finds herself in is adorable. It’s not treacly but still sweet and completely understandable … he is a real cutie! The secondary characters in the book are also easy to love, especially the two sisters she meets in Turia. Oh! There is also a family that helps her when she is injured that I find myself inordinately fond of. I don’t think I’ll ever see them in the book again but I just loved them and keep hoping they will show up again. This demonstrates to me the strength of the authors ability to make you feel for and identify with the characters, even background characters.

All in all, I really liked this book and I’m looking forward to more from this author. If I’m not mistaken this is her debut book and it deserves any and all hype it receives. I hope it is very successful!

Song for this book: Hold Me by The Sweeplings

Disclaimer: I received this book free from Netgalley