A review by briannethebookworm
Here to Stay by Sara Farizan


When Bijan Majidi gets pulled up to the varsity basketball team at Granger, he’s stoked to continue playing a game he loves while also getting a shot at popularity for the first time in his high school career. Unfortunately, the varsity squad isn’t all that supportive of gaining a new teammate. For the first time, Bijan has trouble focusing on basketball—and it’s not due to the pressure of playing at the varsity level. Feeling threatened by Bijan’s climbing status on the team, his teammates begin using racial slurs and bullying to tear him down. When someone takes it too far, Bijan has to decide if his love of basketball is worth playing for a school so intolerant of his ethnicity.

I loved this book and think it represents so much that is lacking in literature for young adults these days. I think that kids today think that it’s okay both to make racial digs at someone as well as accept racial comments said to them, and that is totally untrue. I love that Bijan was a strong role model in that and defended himself, even when he was outnumbered. It was heartbreaking what Bijan has to endure, but unfortunately is relevant to what minority kids deal with in school. I think this book is a great mix of sports and cultural values, and I could see boys and girls alike enjoying the novel. Highly recommend, especially to middle and high school students.