A review by zianeu
Lichtlos 1 by Dean Koontz


I think this is the first Odd Thomas story where you get anyone else's point of view. That's notable, and I like it this once, at least.

This little serial comes in the space between [b:Forever Odd|16433|Forever Odd (Odd Thomas, #2)|Dean Koontz|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1348816320s/16433.jpg|2789370] and [b:Odd Apocalypse|13154933|Odd Apocalypse (Odd Thomas, #5)|Dean Koontz|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1344370365s/13154933.jpg|18333180]. This first installation doesn't add much to the mysterious sidekick Odd's picked up, but it is an engaging hook. Odd finds himself and his friends (Annamarie and her dog friend and his ghostly dog companion, Boo [Have I said I can't wait to find out what Boo's about, because I can't?]) staying over in a small town hotel that is more Twin Peaks than Motel Six.

I keep coming back because Odd's narrative voice has quickly become like a welcome friend's. [a:Dean Koontz|9355|Dean Koontz|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1341717803p2/9355.jpg] hasn't lost it yet. There isn't a lot to say without going into spoilers, but this novella hasn't disappointed so far. If a person likes Odd, then this is more Odd and spins an interesting mystery with possible government conspiracy overtones. I'm wondering if these novels will all connect up in the end in something larger, but I've been hurt hoping for those sorts of things before.