A review by lesbiangrandpa
Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck


To me, this is very much a love story. I think Steinbeck is simultaneously trying to fall in love with the land, with its people, and with some parts of himself. And this ultimately ends up being a complicated task on each level. Although, I do think it's easier to love a state or a hill or a Redwood than a human, based on what he's written. Very much a romanticization of the underdog, which I liked at times, that he had empathy for those who weren't as privileged as he was--which was probably everyone other than the wealthy ranchers. Had a hard time with the racism, misogyny, and homophobia. And I don't think any of those negatives can be canceled out with the argument of "it being of the times." I did love his attention to the natural world. Those sections were the most beautiful.